Mixed Savoury Platter - Sausage Rolls | Quiches | Vege Skewers
Petite Savouries Platter for Corporate Morning Tea Catering in Auckland

Mixed Savoury Platter - Sausage Rolls | Quiches | Vege Skewers

Delicious & Suitable Pairings Optional

Our expert advice is to aim for a range of 3 - 4 items per person, with a mixture of sweet, savoury & fruit options


Savour the moment with our savoury platter, boasting a delightful selection of our most popular treats. Along with taste we have focused on functionality and inclusiveness by including treats for dietary restricted individuals as well:

  • Meat & Vegetarian Sausage Rolls
  • Quiches : Vegetarian & Gluten Friendly
  • Vegetable Skewers : Vegan & Gluten Friendly

Quantity = Number of Items

Expect a mixture of the above selection with this platter, with variety dependent on the quantity of your order.
At Melba Catering our goal is to make the ordering process for our Corporate clients as easy as possible, hence we have got packages such as this one to do the thinking for you.

As per our expert advice a balanced Corporate Morning Tea order comprises of the following 3 platters:

Sweet Treats Platter + Savoury Platter + Fruit Platter

Play around with the quantities to find your sweet spot, however we recommend to stay within the range of 3 to 4 items per person.